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  1. ▶︎ Kdolsky R: Ergebnisse nach Kunststoffbandverstärkung von Rekonstruktionen des vorderen
    Kreuzbandes (Kurzfassung der Dissertation). Wien Klin Wochenschrift 101: 750-754; 1989

  2. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Kwasny O, Schabus R: Bedeutung der Stabilitäts- und Funktionsmessung in der
    Kniebandchirurgie. Akt Traumatologie 22: 123-126; 1992.

  3. ▶︎ Kwasny O, Kdolsky R, Schabus R, Wagner M: Kontrollarthroskopie nach alloplastisch
    augmentierter vorderer Kreuzbandrekonstruktion. Akt Traumatologie 21: 209-215; 1991

  4. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Kwasny O, Schabus R: Bedeutung der Stabilitäts- und Funktionsmessung in der
    Kniebandchirurgie. Akt Traumatologie 22: 123-126; 1992.

  5. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Plenk H jr, Schabus R, Kwasny O, Gibbons DJ: Evaluation of synovial biopsies from
    synthetic material augmented ACL-reconstructions. Trans Orthop Res Soc p.342, 1993.

  6. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Kwasny O, Schabus R: Synthetic augmented repair of proximal ruptures of the anterior
    cruciate ligament. Clin Orthop 295: 183-189; 1993.

  7. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Kwasny O, Schabus R: Arthrosis of the knee joint following reinsertion of the anterior
    cruciate ligament. Osteo Int 1: 37-40; 1993.

  8. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Kwasny O, Schabus R: Knee formula. Osteo Int 1: 41-45; 1993.

  9. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Plenk H jr, Schabus R, Kwasny O, Gibbons DJ: Evaluation of synovial biopsies from
    synthetic material augmented ACL-reconstructions. Orthop Transactions 17: 731, 1994.

  10. ▶︎ Schabus R, Kdolsky R, Kiss H, Weinstabl R: Behandlungsergebnisse nach Handgelenksarthroskopie
    bei Tennisspielern. Acta Chir Austriaca 26, S107: 253, 1994.

  11. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Pöttinger C, Kwasny O, Schabus R: Arthroskopische Operationen nach augmentierter
    Rekonstruktion des vorderen Kreuzbandes. Acta Chir Austriaca 26, S107: 267, 1994.

  12. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Reihsner R, Schabus R, Beer RJ: Measurement of stress-strain relationship and stress
    relaxation in various synthetic ligaments. Knee Surg, Sports Traumatol, Arthroscopy 2: 47-49;

  13. ▶︎ Schabus R, Fuchs M, Kdolsky R: Die isolierte Verletzung des vorderen Kreuzbandes. Acta Chir
    Austriaca 27: F1, 24-26; 1995.

  14. ▶︎ Werba A, Neiger FX, Kdolsky R, Knabl JS, Zimpfer M: Mivacurium induced neuromuscular
    blockade in severly burned patients. Anest Analg 80, 2S: 511, 1995.

  15. ▶︎ Kdolsky RK, Kwasny O, Pöttinger C, Müllner T, Schabus R: Kontrollarthroskopie nach
    synthetischer Augmentation von Reinsertionen und Ersatzplastiken des vorderen Kreuzbandes.
    Arthroskopie 9: 183-185; 1996.

  16. ▶︎ Kdolsky R: Knieformel: Ein neues Beurteilungsschema in der Kniebandchirurgie. Acta Chir
    Austriaca 28, S120: 184-185; 1996.

  17. ▶︎ Schabus R, Kdolsky R, Fuchs M: Das Management der isolierten Ruptur des vorderen
    Kreuzbandes anhand des Langzeitverlaufes. Acta Chir Austriaca 28, S120: 130-133; 1996.

  18. ▶︎ Fuchs M, Müllner T, Kdolsky R, Schabus R: Sportfähigkeit nach VKB-Naht. Acta Chir Austriaca 28,
    S120: 162-163; 1996.

  19. ▶︎ Kwasny O, Müllner T, Kdolsky R: Problematik und Therapie der Arthrofibrose nach
    Kreuzbandrekonstruktion. Acta Chir Austriaca 28, S120: 173-174; 1996.

  20. ▶︎ Müllner T, Kdolsky R, Kwasny O, Schabus R, Vécsei V: Zyclopssyndrom. Existiert es? Arthroskopie
    9: 191-196; 1996.

  21. ▶︎ Kdolsky RK, Gibbons DF, Kwasny O, Schabus R, Plenk H jr: The braided polypropylene
    augmentation device in reconstructive surgery of the anterior cruciate ligament. J Orthop Res 15:
    1-10; 1997.

  22. ▶︎ Kdolsky RK, Reihsner R, Fuchs M, Pöttinger C, Beer RJ: Pressure distribution in human cadaver
    knee joints without external loading. Orthop Transactions 20: 981-2, 1997.

  23. ▶︎ Matis N, Gäbler Ch, Kdolsky R : Die primäre Versorgung von Sehnenverletzungen an der Hand bei
    Kindern. Acta Chir Austriaca 29, Suppl. 130 : 48 ; 1997.

  24. ▶︎ Habernek H, Weinstabl R, Kdolsky R, Barisani G: Volar lunate fracture-dislocations of the wrist. A
    case report on two patients treated with an external frame and internal open reduction. J
    Trauma 45: 975-978; 1998.

  25. ▶︎ Wielke T, Kdolsky RK, Fuchs M: Der Einfluß von ligamentären und ossären Läsionen der
    Syndesmose auf die Prognose operativ versorgter Verrenkungsbrüche des OSG. Osteosynthese
    Int 6, S11: 91; 1998.

  26. ▶︎ Müllner T, Kdolsky R, Grossschmidt K, Schabus R, Kwasny O, Plenk H jr: Cyclops and cyclopoid
    formation after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: clinical and histomorphological
    differences. Knee Surg, Sports Traumatol and Arthroscopy 7: 284-289, 1999.

  27. ▶︎ Habernek H, Aschauer E, Kdolsky R, Weinstabl R, Schmid L, Barisani G: Zur Versorgung
    subcapitaler Humerusfrakturen mit Spiralbündelnägeln nach Henning. Unfallchirurgie 25: 19-25,

  28. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Kollmitzer J, Berlakovits R, Fuchs M, Vécsei V: Biomechanics of operative treatment in
    floating shoulder injuries. Osteo Int 8: 216-219, 2000.

  29. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Eisenmenger-Pelucha A, Kubiena H, Vécsei V: Traumatischer Poplitealabriß bei Ehlers
    Danlos-Syndrom und Faktor XII-Mangel. Acta Chir Austriaca 32, S162 : 75 ; 2000.

  30. ▶︎ Fuchs M, Ullrich R, Kdolsky A, Germann P, Kdolsky R: Extra-corporal life support in
    polytraumatized patients. European Journal of Trauma 28, S1, 35-36; 2002.

  31. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Mohr W, Beer R, Donath K: Oral administered L-arginine improves fracture healing.
    European Journal of Trauma 28, S1, 60; 2002.

  32. ▶︎ Kdolsky RK, AlArabid B, Fuchs M, Schabus R, Vécsei V: Measuring the joint surface pattern in the
    uninjured knee. Wien Klin Wochenschr 116; 196-200, 2004.

  33. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Schönau K, Mader R: Stimulation of human micro-endothelial cells by amino-acids.
    European Journal of Trauma 30, S1, 44; 2004.

  34. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, AlArabid B, Vécsei V: Changes of knee joint pressure pattern after preloading an
    augmentation device. Osteo Trauma Care 13: 178-182, 2005

  35. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Schönau K, Mader RM: Stimulation of human endothelial cells by amino-acids:
    expression of NOS and endothelial growth factors. Osteo Trauma Care 13: 187-191, 2005

  36. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Mohr W, Savidis-Dacho H, Beer R, Puig S, Lang T, Donath K: The influence of oral
    Larginine on fracture healing: an animal study. Wien Klin Wochenschr 117; 693-701, 2005

  37. ▶︎ Zacherl M, Kdolsky R, Erhart J, Böckmann D, Radler C, Vécsei V: Unplanned 10-year retention of
    an external fixator for a proximal tibial fracture. J Orthop Trauma. 20:715-718, 2006

  38. ▶︎ Kdolsky R: Das intubationspflichtige schwere Schädel-Hirn-Trauma beim alten Patienten. Eur Surg
    38, S209, 7 ; 2006

  39. ▶︎ Constantinou-Deuretsbacher E, Gäbler C, Vécsei V, Kdolsky R: Ulna impaction syndrome as a
    result of a radial resection: a case description of three patients. Osteo Trauma Care 15: 88-95,

  40. ▶︎ Constantinou-Deuretsbacher E, Vécsei V, Schurz M, Kdolsky R: Analysis of the outcome of discus
    repair in nine cases. Osteo Trauma Care 15: 96-100, 2007.

  41. ▶︎ Kapral S, Greher M, Huber G, Willschke H, Kettner S, Kdolsky R, Marhofer P: Ultrasonographic
    guidance improves the success rate of interscalene plexus blockade. Reg Anaesth Pain Med 33:
    253-258, 2008.

  42. ▶︎ Kdolsky R, Reihsner R, Beer R: Biomechanical analysis of fracture healing in guinea-pigs. Studies
    in health technology and informatics 133: 141-147, 2008.

  43. ▶︎ Hofbauer M, Valentin P, Kdolsky R, Ostermann RC, Graf A, Figl M, Aldrian S: Rotational and
    Translational Laxity after Computer-navigated Single- and Double-bundle Anterior Cruciate
    Ligament Reconstruction. Knee Surg, Sports Traumat, Arthroscopy 18: 1201-1207, 2010.

  44. ▶︎ Hofbauer M, Kdolsky R, Grünauer J, Figl M, Aldrian S, Vecsei V: Predictive factors influencing the
    outcome after gunshot injuries to the head – A retrospective cohort study. J Trauma 69: 770-775,

  45. ▶︎ Hofbauer M, Hüpfl M, Figl M, Höchtl- Lee L, Kdolsky R: Retrospective Analysis of Emergency
    Room Thoracotomy in Pediatric Severe Trauma Patients. Resuscitation 82: 185-189, 2011.

  46. ▶︎ Hofbauer M, Jaindl M, Hochtl LL, Ostermann RC, Kdolsky R, Aldrian S: Spine injuries in
    polytraumatized pediatric patients: Characteristics and experience from a Level I trauma center
    over two decades. J Trauma 73: 156-161, 2012.

  47. ▶︎ Hofbauer M, Winnisch M, Hochtl LL, Ostermann RC, Kdolsky R: Respiratory failure during ED
    treatment of elderly patients with isolated traumatic brain injury predicts poor outcomes.
    Eur J Trauma and Emer Surg 38: S13, 2012.

  48. ▶︎ Baumbach SF, Michel M, Wyen H, Kdolsky R, Kanz KG: Derzeitige Versorgungssituation der
    Bursitis olecrani und präpatellaris in Österreich. Z Orthop Unfallchir 151: 149-155, 2013.

  49. ▶︎ Wendt K, Heim D, Josten C, Kdolsky R, Oestern HJ, Palm H, Sintienie JB, Komadina R, Copuroglu C:
    Recommendations on hip fractures. Eur J Trauma and Emer Surg 42: 425-431, 2016.

  50. ▶︎ Winnisch M, Tiefenboeck TM, Steiger M , Komjati M , Hofbauer M , Kdolsky R: Long-term results
    after primary augmented repair of proximal tears of the anterior cruciate ligament with the
    Kennedy-LAD — Does it work? Knee 25: 1115-1121, 2018.

  51. ▶︎ Wendt KW, Jaeger M, Verbruggen J, Nijs S, Oestern HJ, Kdolsky R, Komadina R: ESTES
    Recommendations on proximal humerus fractures in the elderly. Eur J Trauma and Emer Surg 47:
    381-395, 2021.

  52. ▶︎ Binder H, Schallmeiner D, Tiefenböck TM, Payr S, Winnisch M, Kdolsky R, Hajdu S, Schwarz GM,
    Hofbauer M: Patients with prior craniectomy or craniotomy have no increased risk of acute
    hemorrhage after mild traumatic brain injury. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19, 2684, 2022.

  53. ▶︎ Wendt K, Nau C, Jug M, Pape HC, Kdolsky R, Sam T, Bloemers F, Komadina R: ESTES
    recommendations on thoracolumbar spine fractures. Eur J Trauma and Emer Surg (in press),